Calling everyone on the cusp of a big breakthrough.

It is time to level up in your career, relationships, & confidence.

Let’s. Go.

Your Big Breakthrough

The ultimate breakthrough program to say “thank you & goodbye” to the plateau you’ve been stuck at. For too long have you felt like what you want is just outside of your reach. You know you’re capable of more than what you’ve been accepting.

You were made for more than playing small, staying safe, and just getting by. You were born to be unstoppable. So what’s stopping you from acting like it? The secret is, it’s all about what’s happening in your mind and how you talk to yourself. This self-discovery journey will become the foundation for the rest of your life.

Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You’re tired of playing small and holding yourself back. You want to find out what you’re truly capable of and what you’re really made of… & you’ve waited long enough.

  • You go through waves of uncomfortable emotions that affect how you show up in the world and slow down your results… & you’re ready to slay from a place of calm, collected confidence, consistently.

  • You feel like you’re not enough and that you’ll never be enough… & you’re ready to release what no longer serves you (the limiting beliefs, the emotional baggage, the whole shabang). You’re ready to focus your energy on creating what matters to you & you want to enjoy yourself along the way.

  • You’re sick of the overwhelming voices of your inner critic that keep you in constant doubt and self-questioning… & you’re ready to try something new. The worthiest work you can ever do is the work on yourself - like cultivating a kind, loving, compassionate relationship with yourself, and a gentle, encouraging tone in your self-talk. This work can literally change your life. <3

Imagine, you wake up in the morning ready to blow your own mind, every damn day - without fear or doubt getting in the way of your vision.

Your Big Breakthrough is the shortcut to embodying your most confident,

charismatic, and extraordinary Self in your work, your relationships, and beyond.

We grow through what we go through.

Let’s do it together.

Ready to get started? The first session is free. Walk away with a heightened sense of clarity, and we’ll discuss a long-term approach tailored to your personal goals.

Each of my client engagements is customized for your needs. If you’re ready to light up your own pathway, say yes below!


  • “When I was first introduced to life coaching I wasn't sure what it meant. How can someone coach your life? Then I talked to Marina and she explained to me that a life coach is someone who not only holds you accountable, but helps you get to the root of emotional blocks. And this is exactly what Marina did for me. Together we went deep, diving to the core of blockages that were in the way of my personal growth. Marina would gently and tactfully guide me into my body where we would unpack deep rooted abandoned feelings. Her coaching freed me from blocks that ultimately lead me to living a lighter, more fulfilling life. I wholeheartedly believe that working with Marina was the key to unlocking my next level of personal growth. If you are ready to show up for yourself, I highly recommend her coaching. I will be forever grateful for my time with her.”

    ~ Katie Hemingway

  • “Marina is a super effective coach. She devotes herself through intense preparation to help you fully explore, identify and remediate your issues to a positive conclusion. Her efforts have been an enormous benefit towards me achieving my goals. Marina really helped me identify some of the deeper, more troubling issues I had relating to my feelings about my previous marriage, and release the baggage that I was holding onto from my past. She helped me establish some future goals to work toward, and realize that these goals require continual attention and, more importantly, they require action!! Marina's help was extremely beneficial. I can't thank her and recommend her highly enough.”

    ~ Don Smith (Your Big Breakthrough client)

  • “Marina has created a safe place for me to get coaching, where I meet with myself, once a week. This may look like nothing but it is already everything. She brings lots of awareness during the sessions, that I could never get on my own. Her wisdom has transformed me. She has encouraged me to grow my compassion, for others around me and for myself. And it works. I have made changes and I am evolving in a better version of myself. Thank you, Marina.”

    ~ Kim Ramirez

  • “Marina is really great at getting you to slow down and question your thought and perspective. Simply talking to her provided me with so much clarity around situations in my life where I previously felt cloudy or even resentful. She showed me there are other ways of thinking about things, and she taught me the difference between “thoughts” and “facts.” I also love how passionate she is abut her work. You can tell that Marina is truly living her calling!”

    ~ Lauren VZ

  • “After a challenging time after a breakup, Marina helped me navigate my relationship with myself and improve my mindset. She is very empathetic and she guided me through questions to let me see my situation more clearly. It’s like she is holding a mirror in front of me, so I can see my emotions and what’s really going on underneath. I felt I was still holding onto my old beliefs when I started, but she helped me gain hope and confidence for my journey, and made me feel I’ll be fine on my own. She deeply cares about her clients and I can feel the love from her during our sessions. She also shares her personal experiences when relevant, which made the coaching feel more intimate and customized for me. If you are looking for a coach that helps you with personal growth and relationships, especially if you feel lost during a challenging time, don’t hesitate to talk to Marina. You’ll be in good hands.”

    ~ Jen L (Your Big Breakthrough client)