Hey there, I’m Marina.

As someone who used to be a chronic people-please and believed I needed to fix myself in order to be accepted, I’ve learned a thing or two about creating a loving relationship with myself, having my own back no matter what, and creating harmony in my inner world to create the external reality of my most magical dreams.

I remember when the voice of my inner judge used to constantly buzz in my ears, controlling all my thoughts and actions in the meanest of ways. It was a difficult time to feel good about myself, my career, or my relationship. My life was a loop of limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, shame, and a shit ton of anxiety. My world shrank as my fears grew uncontrollably. I played small and tried to protect myself by avoiding experiences that took me out of my comfort zone - there was no space for growth or life there. I hid and played small for far too long.

After years of feeling defeated, lonely, and doubtful that I would ever feel better (and trust me, I was trying. Therapy, self-help books and podcasts, for years and years), I had an insight - a moment of grace where I tried on the thought that I could DECIDE to turn it all around.

Instead of believing the thoughts that told me I would never be enough, I committed to believing in myself and all that I could be. It was awkward and uncomfortable at first, just like learning anything new is awkward and uncomfortable in the beginning.

I began to see my romantic relationship (with my now-husband <3) as a great teacher to learn about by myself, my thoughts, and my emotions, which in turn helped me identify the woman I truly wanted to be in my love story, and show up as her. I fell deeper in love with my partner and the life we were creating together.

I began to treat my job and career as a cancer immunologist as a teacher of life. I took all my previous self-doubt, anxiety, and imposter syndrome, and my “difficult” work relationships, and turned them into opportunities for self-growth and development. I started to gain a deeper understanding of my thought and emotional patterns, which helped me come up with a strategy to unblock myself and step into my true authenticity and excellence. It didn’t take long before my career began to flourish with opportunities, promotions, and fulfilling impact and relationships.

The self-coaching tools that I teach my clients now first helped ME believe that I had everything I needed within me, to create the life and self-image that was truly congruent with my highest self and my deepest, most expansive truth.

One thing I know for sure is that YOU already have everything you need within YOU to create the life you want. I believe that coaching can have a tremendous impact on helping us tap into our own inner truths. It’s like giving yourself the gift of time, space, and energy to get to know yourself enough to release past baggage & redirect yourself to moving IN the direction of who you are and who you want to become.

My mission, my soul-calling in life is to help people experience the joy of seeing what’s possible when you believe in yourself, when you love and accept ALL that you are, all that you have been, and all that you desire to be.

As a scientist, ICF-Certified Coach, and Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming, I love to facilitate my coaching sessions using neuroscience- and research-based tools. I use science-backed methodology to help guide my clients into a “brain-friendly state,” which is like healthy fertilized soil for a seed, that is so conducive to helping you improve the quality of your thinking and generating meaningful insights that can change your life.

As a Breakthrough Coach, I believe that everyone deserves to…

  • Be free from the mental and emotional baggage that doesn’t serve them,

  • Give themselves a chance to reimagine their identity and redefine their self-image,

  • ENJOY being who they are and enjoy the process of who they are becoming.

In fact, I believe that this is the secret sauce to manifesting the life of your dreams. You cannot self-criticize your way to a life you love. We cannot shame ourselves into change, we can only love ourselves into evolution.

I’m here to help you connect with your own wisdom and insights, and apply these nuggets of wisdom into your life, so that you can be who you want to be, do what you love, and have everything that you want and deserve.

Your life unfolds in magical ways when you truly believe in yourself. All you need is the decision to just begin. If you want to see what’s possible for yourself, I invite you to join me :)

Beaming love your way, Marina <3

ICF certified (June 2023)